"I got to do it," Philbin said at the start of "Live With Regis & Kelly." "Darn it, I don't want to do it. Nobody wants to do it, I guess."
The diminutive but spry 75 yo male had been on a short hiatus, most likely to evaluate some ongoing chest pain issues that he had admitted to: "I had been feeling chest pains, you know, and, uh, shortness of breath and all those little symptoms that you hear about."
Philbin's refreshing candor about such a serious operation will most likely go a long way to educating his viewers about coronary artery disease and its treatment options. It also cuts out a lot of the investigative and speculative fun of our Celebrity Illness article, but don't worry, there's plenty to discuss.
Reege, as he is affectionately known, most likely presented to his PMD with c/o chest pain and fatigue and who knows what else. The guy is a huge college football fan and constantly boasts about his superior physical shape which will serve him well during this process.
Upon hearing his symptoms, it is possible that Reege was sent directly for cath, (i.e. cardiac catheterization) but more likely had a exercise-nuclear stress test first which should have suggested significant ischemia. Either way, coronary angiography was performed.

If it was the former, there would have been no discussion and Reege would have most likely already been on the OR table by now. Thus, it is much more likely that he has stable multivessel disease and will have a left internal mammary artery (LIMA) graft to the LAD as well as some saphenous vein grafts harvested form his legs.
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery is associated with significant morbidity. Major complications include death, myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, wound infection, prolonged requirement for mechanical ventilation, acute renal failure, and bleeding requiring

There are a few risk-predicting algorithms as outcome is hinged on comorbids but we're not gonna go there. Here are some factors that have a major impact on survival and complications:
- Pre-op LV function
- Age
- Kidney function
- Coronary diameter
- Operator experience
Are we getting too data-y for you? It's a tough surgery and you should know this before you send patients (or go for it as a patient) for what has become thought of as a fairly routine deal. It is also important to keep in mind that it has amazing benefits in almost 98% of patients.
Philbin will be facing a difficult recovery as his sternum will be sawed open to expose the heart and although he will be under general anesthesia at the time - he hopefully won't stay that way. After the recovery room, he'll be monitored in a special cardiac surgery ICU where they will hope to extubate him as soon as he can tolerate it. He will also have chest tubes and a pericardial drain following the surgery, all which will hopefully come out after POD#3. He should be out of the hospital b/n 5-7 days where he will gently recuperate and be maintained on good pain meds.
After about a month, Reege will be able to get his groove on again and we predict a late April/early May return for the daytime maven of talk.
We wish Philbin a speedy recovery and hope that he uses this opportunity to educate his audience about his experience and the preventive measures that can take in order to avoid a similar prognosis.
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